EDR Framework:
One of the major frameworks for the programs and mission of EDR is the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Within these 17 goals, EDR particularly focuses on Goal #4: To Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All. Within Goal #4, EDR aligns with sub-goal 4.7 the most.
What is Global Citizenship Education?

UNESCO’s Definition of Global Citizenship Education: “Global Citizenship Education (GCED) aims to empower learners of all ages to assume active roles, both locally and globally, in building more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure societies.”
From Vision to Reality
1. EDR Mission & Program 2. Develop GCED Curriculum 3. Participation 4. Transformation 5.Community Engagement
EDR’s Approach to
Global Citizenship Education

To empower and enable learners to transform themselves and society.

To adapt to local needs, demands, and cultural realities specific to each program.

Human Security Value Based
To promote universal shared values such as non-discrimination, equality, respect, and dialogue.