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Step Up 2021 Fall

EDR Step Up is an after-school study program during academic school years, designed to boost the academic performance of grades 3-8 students, many of whom face English language, and cultural barriers to their academic success.

2021 Fall: Study with us

Join the after school program

Date, Time, Locations Daily Sample Schedule


  • 10/18/2021-12/22/2021


  • Monday-Thursday
  • Elementary School 3:30-5:30
  • Middle School 3:00-5:00


  • Elementary Schools : Baker, Arnone, Angelo
  • Middle Schools: East, South, Ashfield

Elementary School

  • 3:30-4:00 English
  • 4:10-4:40 Math
  • 4:50-5:20 Fun Activities

Middle School

  • 3:00-3:30 English
  • 3:40-4:10 Math
  • 4:20-4:50 Fun Activities

Master English & Math

1:1 homework help is available by appointment


Math Genius!

Elementary School Math

By giving your child a firm foundation—and confidence—in math, Step Up can keep them from falling behind in the future and help them avoid the problems and upsets that falling behind can bring.

Middle School Math

Middle school math is often when students see a split in classes, with some kids starting algebra before high school. At Step Up, our experienced instructors work with middle school kids to help them forge ahead in math classes. Students are given a “preview” of math concepts and lessons that they will encounter in future classes to help prepare them for high school.

A+ Reader!

“If you can get a kid reading, they are going to be successful in everything they do in school.”

B. Waters, Special education teacher in Adrian, MI

Step Up after school targets the needs of English learners through systematic reading instruction at each student’s instructional level. Students develop the skills and strategies to be successful in rigorous subject-area classes, so they can make a smooth transition into middle and high school courses.


Homework Help!

Do you need homework help or long-term support for a class project? Step Up gives you access to tutors who can explain difficult concepts, proofread your essays, and help with test prep. Please contact your teacher for more information.

Fun Activities

Graphic Design, Music & Dance, Sports, Public Speaking and much more!


Practice blocking, falling skills, punching, and kicking.


Team practice and competition to earn the team award.

Graphic Design

Make your own graphic design and post on your SNS

Music & Dance

Come learn fun dance and music! 

Writing Contest

Enter a writing contest and earn a gold medal! 

Story Telling

Create and share your story on your Instgram and Tiktok

Download Fall flyer

Contact Us for More Information